Post by firebottle on Dec 1, 2022 13:22:05 GMT
Having acquired an unusual antenna recently I wondered if it covered the DAB band at around 225MHz. An email to the manufacturers gained no information but I know it is a wideband antenna, the internals are quite complex. It is military surplus, originally bolted to the underside of a Lynx helicopter tail boom. It works really well as a DAB antenna now it's hooked up.
Post by antonio on Dec 2, 2022 9:00:26 GMT
Asking about manufacturing details, I'm surprised Special Branch haven't come knocking on your door.
Post by jandl100 on Dec 2, 2022 9:41:28 GMT
.... And in true Firebottle fashion, it's suspended from the ceiling! I'd need the Lynx helicopter as well to get decent reception where I live. Still, there's always internet radio, if I want it. Which, rather strangely, I don't.